FIDO-based password-less authentication
- identification
- PKI - AES 256 for mobile and desktop platforms using
Biometrics and RSA
Our FIDO UAF based
strong authentication framework enables online
services and websites, whether on the open Internet
or within enterprises, secure user authentication
without the need of traditional passwords. It allows
the transparent leverage of native security features
in end-user computing devices for strong user
authentication in order to reduce the problems
associated with creating and remembering many
It consists of the
multifactor authentication client as well as server components enabling
users to authenticate to any application or website using the existing
security capabilities of their Smartphones, tablets or laptops.
FIDO definiert/erlaubt verschiedene User
Authentication Ansaetze:
- PIN (meistens in
der Kombination mit der Smart Card als Key
Container or RSA PKI)
- Fingerprint (z.B. in der
Kombination mit TEE oder auch SW Key
Container Implementierung)oder dem mil-grade
nurugo bio-metric adapter ) -
- Shake oder
andere nicht-persoenliche
Verifikationsmethoden (typisch bei
sicherheitsunkritischen Services, bei denen
es nur darauf ankommt, irgendeine
Userinteraktion zu haben, um massenhafte
Serviceangriffe zu unterbinden)
- Es ist also
absolut Fall-abhaengig und verschiedene
Optionen sind moeglich.
FIDO allows / provides a variety of User Authentication implementations
-Bluetooth based connector for usage of
smartphone FIDO UAF client also for online
authentications on laptops and desktop PCs
- Various
authenticators like PIN-protected authenticator,
fingerprint and others on request
- Secure hardware
(smart card) or software based cryptographic
algorithms implementations
- Secure Nuguro
Fingerprint, mil-grade Biometric authentication, for Banks and Governments
- Usable with
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome as
well as Mozilla Firefox browsers ID
- Easy to install and
integrate multifactor authentication server
Typical Solution:
For Law enforcement Field application:
About Us
SecureScrypt Cyber
Security Partner, development Office located
near Munich, Germany, has been developing customer-
and business-specific software and IT solutions for
PC, mobile and embedded platforms since 1990 with
strong focus on IT security related technologies and
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